Which of those doesn't go? Trick question. They all flow nicely on my "finals 12/10 volume II" playlist. But that's, like, my opinion man. Unfortunately I'm studying for finals in Gorgas instead of watching The Big Lebowski.
While I sit here and study for my business communication final, it's hard not to observe, judge, and make up stories about the people at my table. Right now it's the only thing getting me through the various theories of globalization...
Directly across from me is the adorable pledge, who since last week has been upgraded to freshman, but will remain "pledge" in my depiction of the table. He's wearing a swap t-shirt, black North Face, Mountain khakis (ah love those), and a Masters hat. Anxiously studying for mass com, he keeps ignoring texts on his Blackberry, and has become increasingly exasperated as they keep coming. After each rapid response, he places the Blackberry behind his closed Dell very purposefully. He's really cute, and I feel so badly for him that this relentless person keeps bugging him. He's studying the principles of talk radio, people! He's apologized the last two times for his text buzzing the entire table. Forgiven, Mountain khakis.
Diagonal from me, next to Pledge, is a very friendly Indian grad student named Ruhal. He asked me about which mp3 player I preferred, and we chatted for a second before I turned my computer towards him and made him watch a funny YouTube video. He liked my name. People who like my name are fine with me. A little while later he asked me to help him pick out a suit. I talked him out of buying a blue jacket and black pants, and he went with a nice black suit. (He just now Facebook friend-requested me.)
Seated, actually, plopped next to Ruhal is maybe the most quintessential archetype female student at Alabama. She's dominating more than her fair share of the table with markers, high lighters (yes, both), notecards, sticky notes, an iPhone 4, an iTouch (because you need both) two bottles of Smart Water, a pack of gum with wrappers around it, and her hot pink Mac. She's been working tirelessly on biology, which I respect...there's a reason I'm in liberal arts. Her pearly blonde hair is in the classic Tutwiler side-pony, creating a sort of fountain look atop her head. She's tanned and primped, wearing more make-up than I wore to prom, and is probably in the beginning stages of TMJ as she chews her fifth piece of Wint-O-Green gum. Despite her flawless face of make-up and teased fountain hair, she "didn't care!!" about what she looked like coming to the library today, which she tells us by wearing her multiple hundred dollar pink Juicy tracksuit and, yep you guessed it, Uggs, girl!!! Not only is this biologist looking at TMJ, but also some serious neck problems: she's bent and twisted and crossed in her chair, keeping her head cocked a mere 3 inches from the table.
Across from her is maybe me, in the form of a super heady, kind of dirty, definitely pissed off philosophy student. She's basically next to me, and apparently forgot her headphones because she. is. mad. Every half minute, she'll jolt away from philosophy as if a siren has just alarmed. She's also judging everyone at our table, including me. When I got here a few hours ago and unpacked, she watched me with the same ferocity as those people who watch their cars get towed. Feeling awkward, I stupidly asked if anyone was sitting where I was unpacking, even though the spot was totally devoid of any human remains. She glared at me for a while before whipping back, "Um, obviously not." (I wish she was chewing sunflower seeds, it would just really add to the scene. That or dipping.) Ever since, I've caught her staring at me with the disdain of, well yeah, her I guess since she hates me.
I made my playlist in accordance with the fact that she was watching me do it, which is why I added S Club 7. AIN'T NO PARTY LIKE AN S CLUB PAR-TAY!
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